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Welcome, If you have any questions please contact me at danny@landandlakeimaging.com. Hope you enjoy what I love.Danny Klauss

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Question   all the photo
Dan I love them all,love the picture of my niece And nephews. Good job,keep
it up.Come here to the farm and take
some. It's really pretty here sometimAlicee.

-  December 07, 2005

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Question   Any Stormy Days ?
Hey Dan , Great pictures, I really enjoyed looking through them , my friend is a science teacher , and he says he can really tell how much you appreciate wildlife. Was wondering though if you had some photos from stormy days ?

Looking forward to seeing your new ones.

-  December 07, 2005


- Danny L. Klauss  December 07, 2005

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Question   GOOD JOB
I have sent this off to many people in a short time frame. I has just been told that "it sure would have been nice if I would have signed you book" Dan, I am sorry and you are doing a GREAT job at this. Keep up the good work and get pushing these photo's. You know have tons of shots, get them out for everyone to see them. GOOD LUCK and best wishes from the PALMERI Family

-  November 14, 2005

  Answer Enjoyed looking at your beautiful shots!!!

- Ellen Hodges  September 05, 2006

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Question   Talent !!
You have a wonderful talent for capturing the beauty in the world around us.

Thank you for sharing your talent with everyone.

-  November 01, 2005

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Question   how did you get so close to the ship?
Danny, we loveeeeeeee your pictures, you did a terrific job we are VERY impressed. See you soon!!!!

The girls at Dr Diana's office

-  October 28, 2005

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